Fish farming industry consists of many small processing plants, with a number of larger plants.
As in most processing industries, fish processing operations produce wastewater containing a substantial amount of contaminants in soluble, colloidal and particulate forms. The degree of contamination depends on the process. It may be small (washing operations), mild (fish filleting), or heavy (boat storage tanks unloading, blood water from facilities storage tanks, “stick water” from fish processing). Those workloads generate a substantial amount of water that needs to be cleared before returning to environment.
Another key application area of our filter is related to the filtration of sea louse (salmon lice), where our filter is particularly well suited for filtration of micro organisms in sea waters, sized 37 micron and upwards. This will be a critical function for land based fish farms, where fresh seawater intake needs to be filtrated before being pumped on land. Our systems can help in separation of biomass connected to the land based fish farms.